Class Page - Year 5 - Archive - January 2021

Friday 29th January 2021


Activity/ Resource


L.I. To write the build up to a story.

·       To be able to punctuate speech correctly.

·       To be able to recount a story that has been read.

·       To be able to introduce a problem in my story.

Click on the link to continue our narrative writing based on the Fate of Fausto. Pause the video, take notes and complete the activities as you go.

If you would like an extra challenge:

Look at the picture, read the story starter and continue the story.


L.I. To be able to spell words with the ‘ough’ letter string.

Ask an adult to test you on your spellings from last week:

List 1

List 2

Write out our new spellings for next week and complete the activity sheet for these:

List 1 and Activity 1

List 2 and Activity 2


L.I. To be able to recognise equivalent fractions. 

Success criteria:

·       To be able to shade equivalent fractions.

·       To be able to group fractions based on equivalence.

Click on the link to continue our learning about equivalent fractions. 

Complete the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished. 


L.I. To retrieve, record and present information from a non-fiction text.

Read the text and use the question sheets to complete the Captain Tom Moore reading comprehension.

Remember to take the time to sit back and enjoy a story! Click on the link to listen to listen to an audio book of your choice.

 Please also make sure that you read alone or with an adult for at least 30 minutes every day. 

Times Tables

L.I. To practise the 6 and 12 times tables.

As we would normally being completing our times table and number bonds tests in school on a Friday, practise your times tables using these maze activities:

6 Times table

12 Times table  


L.I. To understand how we can measure the size of forces.

Click on the link to continue our learning about forces. Watch the video, take notes, and complete the activities as you go.

See how much you have learnt by completing the quiz afterwards by click ‘next’ after you have finished the video. 

Then,  complete this worksheet, labelling the forces that are in action in each picture.

Finally, complete this forces wordsearch to practise the new vocabulary we have learnt.

Something Easier


English: L.I. To plan a story.

Read the story Wild Pets and follow the instructions to complete the activities.

Maths: L.I. To practise the 2 times table.

Complete the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished. 


Read a prayer from Fr Christopher by clicking on this link or choosing the ‘children’ tab on the website, and scrolling down to ‘Prayers during the time of home learning’.

Take a moment to reflect on how you are feeling and what you would like to pray about. Write your own prayer to share your thanks or worries. You can use this prayer template to help you.



Thursday 28th January 2021


Activity/ Resource


L.I. To describe a character’s feelings.

Success Criteria:

·       To find synonyms of words.

·       To choose words for deliberate effect.

·       To use ‘show don’t tell’.

Click on the link to complete our next lesson in our narrative writing unit based on the Fate of Fausto. Pause the video, take notes and complete the activities as you go through.

Next: Look at the picture and answer the questions in as much detail as you can.


L.I. I can punctuate writing correctly.

Download and complete the spelling, punctuation and grammar activity mats. If you don’t have a printer, write your answers into your book. Always remember to mark you work afterwards to see how you have done.


L.I. To recognise equivalent fractions.

Success Criteria:

·       To represent simple fractions.

·       To identify equivalent fractions

·       To represent equivalent fractions.

Click on the link to find today’s maths lesson

Complete the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished. 


L.I. I can give my opinion on a text.

Click on the link to complete the To Be a Cat reading activities.

Remember to take the time to sit back and enjoy a story! Click on the link to listen to the Sarah Jane adventures

Please also make sure that you read alone or with an adult for at least 30 minutes every day. 


L.I. To design, write and debug programmes that achieve specific goals. 

This week we are continuing our work on coding. Log into Busy Things and head to Year 5, Computing, Busy Code, Code Disco, Section 5. Click on the tutorials to learn more about coding and the have a go at the challenges to try out your new skills!

Next, learn the letters on the keyboard by trying the game in ‘Computer Literacy’.


L.I. To explore what body percussion is. 

Click on the link and watch the video to get to know the basics of body percussion.  

Something Easier


English: L.I. To write instructions.

Instructional writing

Maths: L.I. To write arrays for multiplication sentences.

Complete the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished. 

Something different

Read through the activity sheet and test out your building skills!

Can you make an indoor or outdoor den? Could you make a small-scale den for a toy? Make sure you ask permission from an adult first, and are happy to tidy up once you have enjoyed your den! I would love to see a picture on Class Dojo once you have finished.



Wednesday 27th January 2021


Activity/ Resource


L.I. I can write a suspense story.

Success Criteria:

·       I can choose words for deliberate effect to build suspense.

·       I can ‘show not tell’ that a threat is present.

·       I can use suspense sentence starters

Look at the picture, read the story starter and write the rest of the story. Can you remember our features of a suspense story from Zelda Claw? How many of these can you include?

Next, click on this link to continue our narrative writing based on the Fate of Fausto. This lesson, we are reminding ourselves about punctuating speech, which is important to make sure you are punctuating your writing accurately when you include dialogue.


L.I. I can spell words including the letter string ‘ough’.

Read through the slides to learn the spelling rules for this week’s spellings. Write out your spellings for this week and remember to practise them every day. 

Have a go at the word search once you have practised. Choose the list that you find challenges you best:

List 1 Slideshow

List 1 Word search

List 2 Slideshow

List 2 Word search


L.I. I know what a fraction is.  

·       I know that the numerator tells us how many parts we are using.

·       I know that the denominator tells us how many equal parts there are.

·       I can identify unit fractions. 

Click on the link to find today’s maths lesson on fractions.

Complete the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished. 


L.I. I can summarise the main ideas drawn from more than one paragraph.

Click on the link to complete The London Eye Mystery reading activities. Follow the instructions as you read two short sections of the book and complete activities based on each one. You won’t need a printer for this, just a pencil and paper.

Remember to take the time to sit back and enjoy a story! Click on the link to listen to Tony Ross reading a book about a little girl who didn’t like washing her hands.

Please also make sure that you read alone or with an adult for at least 30 minutes every day. 


L.I. I can identify Hindu some symbols and describe what they represent.

Read through the slides to find out about Hindu symbolism and use the activity sheet to show what you have learnt, and create a symbol which represents you. If you don’t have a printer you can write and draw your responses on paper.

Circle Time

L.I. I understand that gender does not determine what jobs people can do.

Success Criteria:

·       I can discuss how gender equality has improved over the years.

·       I can understand the negative impact stereotypes can have on people.

·       I can reflect on how the impact of stereotypes make me feel.

Read the slides to find out about giving people equal opportunities to do the jobs they want to do. Complete the activities using the profile sheets and the activity sheet.  

Something Easier


English: L.I. I can identify different types of simple sentences.

Use the slides to help you complete the sentence types activities.

Maths: L.I. I can use the multiplication symbol in number sentences.   

Complete the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished. 


 Watch the video and follow the instructions to learn how to anchor your mind with movement.


Tuesday 26th January 2021


Activity/ Resource


L.I. To use inverted commas to punctuate speech.

Success Criteria:

·       To start a new line for each new speaker.

·       To use inverted commas to show which words are being spoken by a character.

·       To proof read my writing to make sure it makes sense.

Look at the picture. Read the story starter and then write a conversation between Amy and the owl. Remember to use inverted commas to mark the speech, and start a new line when there is a new speaker!


L.I. To practise the rules associated with adding the suffix -ly.

Click on the link to continue our work around narrative writing. Today, we are looking at applying our knowledge of the suffix -ly to create adjectives. Don’t worry about the spelling test in the video as these were not our spellings for the week, but have a go and see how many of the words you can spell.  


L.I. To use my knowledge of multiplying and dividing numbers to help me solve reasoning problems.

As we have finished our Multiplication and Division topic for this term, test yourself using this end of unit worksheet to see how much you have learnt. Mark your work afterwards using the answers, and send me your scores on Class Dojo so I can see how you have done.

If you would like a challenge, try this multiplication and division booklet and answers here.   


L.I. I can talk about the author’s techniques for describing characters, settings and actions.

Click on the link to complete the Tell Me No Lies reading activities. Follow the instructions as you read two short sections of the book and complete activities based on each one. You won’t need a printer for this, just a pencil and paper.

Remember to take the time to sit back and enjoy a story! Click on the link to listen to Michael Rosen reading part of a story called ‘Uncle Gobb and the Dread Shed’.

Please also make sure that you read alone or with an adult for at least 30 minutes every day. 


L.I. To be able to talk about my family in French.

Click on this link to practise how to talk about your family in French. Remember to listen to the sound clips so you can practise how to pronounce the vocabulary correctly.

Next, complete this worksheet, drawing pictures of your own family members and labelling who they are in French.


L.I. To develop flexibility, strength, control and balance.

Keep active by joining in with Joe Wicks’ PE lesson on his Youtube channel.

Something Easier


English: L.I. To answer questions on something I have read.

Creative Writing. You can find the text to read here.

Maths: L.I. To know my number bonds to 100.

Click on the link to practise your number bonds to 100 (tens and ones). Mark your work when you have finished. 


Watch the video and follow the instructions to practice your mindfulness. Remember to do your best to clear your mind of any thoughts or worries and let your body relax.


Monday 25th January 2021


Activity/ Resource


L.I. To write a newspaper report.

Success criteria:

·      Write in the third person.

·      Include a catchy headline.

·      Introduce the report with facts about when and where the event happened.

·      Conclude the report by explaining how the event ended/ what the situation is now.

Look at the picture. Can you write a newspaper report based on this image? I have included an example for you. Remember to choose a nice eye-catching heading that would draw the readers in!


L.I. To use hyphens to avoid ambiguity. 

Read the slides to find out about using hyphens to avoid ambiguity in your writing. This means using hyphens can make sure the reader doesn’t get confused by what you mean as your writing is really clear.

In the slides, you will be asked to read the story about Lucy.

Next, complete the helpful hyphens and avoiding ambiguity activity sheets.

Finally, complete the mini test to check how much you have learnt.


L.I. To divide 4 digit numbers with remainders.

·       To be able to divide up to a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number using short division.

·       To understand grouping and place value.

·       To understand exchanges and associated multiplication and division facts.

Click on the link to find today’s maths lesson.

Today is the final lesson of our multiplication and division topic, and we are looking at dividing with remainders.

Complete the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished. 


L.I. I can draw information from different parts of the text to infer meaning.

Complete the Man Who Moved A Mountain reading comprehension. If you don’t have a printer you can read the text on your Ipad or computer and answers the questions in your book. Don’t forget to mark your work afterwards.

Please also make sure that you read alone or with an adult for at least 30 minutes every day. 


L.I. To find out about the leaders of the Kingdom of Benin.

Read through the slides to find out about the leaders of The Kingdom of Benin.

Use the information sheet to help you complete the activity sheet. If you don’t have a printer at home you can read the information and questions on your device and write your answers in your book.


L.I. To sketch a racing car, using shadow to add texture to my drawing.

Watch the video and follow the instructions to find out how to draw your own racing car.

Something Easier


English: L.I. To identify verbs in a sentence.

Verbs activity.   

Maths: L.I. To subtract 2 digit numbers.

Click on the link to practise subtracting 2 digit numbers.

Mark your work when you have finished. 

Something Different

At the moment it is hard to keep ourselves fit and active as we aren’t allowed to run around with our friends in the playground or take part in PE or after school clubs like we would normally. However, it is still important to stay healthy by moving your bodies, either inside your home or outside in the garden or on a walk. Use this exercise log to keep track of the different ways you keep active this week. Remember, keeping active can be: following the instructions on a dance video that I share on the class page, walking to the shops with your adult, or taking part in Joe Wicks’ PE sessions at 9am.  If you don’t have a printer, why not create your own exercise log using a book or paper.


Friday 22nd January 2021


Activity/ Resource


Click on the link to continue our narrative writing. Today we are going to be writing the start of our story. Remember to have a pen/pencil and paper ready when you watch the video so that you can pause it and complete the activities as you go.

Next: Look at the picture and read the story starter. Think about your answers to these questions and continue the story:

What is the key for? Why is she so desperate to have it?

Why has the crow taken the key?

How did the clock get there? Is it significant in the story?

What is the crow thinking?

Where have all the leaves on the ground come from?


Today we are going to be reminding ourselves when to use ‘much’ or ‘many’ in our speech and writing. I know many of you are already confident at this but you can never have too much practice!

Read the slides and use the poster to help you complete the activity sheet.

If the slides don’t work on your device, you can open them as a pdf here.


Click on the link to find today’s maths lesson.

Watch the video to learn how to divide 4 digit numbers by 1 digit.  

Complete the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished.


Complete the rainforest reading comprehension. Don’t forget to mark your work afterwards.

Remember to take the time to sit back and enjoy a story! Click on the link to listen to an audio book of your choice:

Please also make sure that you read alone or with an adult for at least 30 minutes every day. 

Times Tables

In school we would usually be keeping our Maths skills speedy by completing our weekly number bond and times tables tests. See how quick you still are by completing the ultimate times tables missing number challenge. Why don’t you write your answers down on paper and time how long it takes you to complete? You can then try again another day and see if you can beat your time!


Ask an adult to test you on our spellings from this week:

List 1

List 2

Write out our new spellings for next week and complete the activity sheet for these spellings.

List 1 Spellings and Activity Sheet

List 2 Spellings and Activity Sheet

Something Easier


English: Writing Poetry. You will need to scroll down and re-read the poems from the previous day’s work as part of these activities.

Maths: Adding and Subtracting Tens. Check your answers here. 


Thursday 21st January 2021


Activity/ Resource

English Option 1

Today we are continuing to work on narrative writing. Watch the video and complete the activities to develop a rich understanding of words associated with confidence.

Next, see if you can use an of your new vocabulary to continue this story, describing how confident Kate feels with her powers.

Spelling Gym

Read through the slides to learn the spelling rules for this week’s spellings. Write out our spellings for this week and remember to practice them every day.

Have a go at the word search once you have practiced. Choose the list that you find challenges you best:

List 1 Slideshow

List 1 Word search

List 2 Slideshow

List 2 Word search


Click on the link to find today’s maths lesson.

Watch the video to learn more about how to divide 3 digit numbers by 1 digit.  

Complete the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished.


The Man Who Bought a Mountain: Part 4 

Start by watching the video.

You can pause the video to answer questions on the activity sheet as you go, or you can watch the video and answer the questions afterwards. You can either type your answers onto the activity sheet or write them down on paper.

Mark your work with the answers afterwards.

If you find it easier to read the story on a document rather than a video, here is an Ebook. Please be aware this is 62 pages long so it is better to read online than print it out.

If you would like a challenge, try the fronted adverbial activity.

Remember to take the time to sit back and enjoy a story! Click on the link to listen to David Walliams reading a story:

Please also make sure that you read alone or with an adult for at least 30 minutes every day. 


This week we are continuing our work on coding. Log into Busy Things and head to Year 5, Computing, Busy Code, Beard Man’s Adventures. Click on the tutorials to learn more about coding and then have a go at the challenges to try out your new skills!

If you have completed all the Bear Man's Adventures, have a look at Code Disco as I have shared some more challenges on there.

Circle Time


Read through the slides to find out about how to make the most of opportunities that you might come across in life.

Complete the activities:

Scenario Cards

Personal Opportunities Sheet

Something Easier


English: Writing Poetry

Maths: Add and subtract ones.

Mark your Maths with the answers afterwards. 

Something different

Why not take a break today and test your brains with these Space Brain Teasers?



Wednesday 20th January 2021


Activity/ Resource


Today we are continuing to work on narrative writing.  Click on the link and follow the instructions to learn about the four types of simple sentence structures.

Watch the video with a paper and pen/pencil ready so you can complete the activities, and write your own simple sentences based on the book.


Apologies that yesterday's link was not working. Please find yesterday's English link here. If possible, see if you can complete this lesson as well as they are all part of our narrative writing unit and will help you prepare for our writing later in the week, 


Click on the link to find today’s maths lesson.

Watch the video to continue learning about dividing two digit numbers.

Complete the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished. 

If you would like a challenge, try these reasoning questions.


The Man Who Bought a Mountain: Part 3

Start by watching the video.

You can pause the video to answer questions on the activity sheet as you go, or you can watch the video and answer the questions afterwards. You can either type your answers onto the activity sheet or write them down on paper.

Mark your work with the answers afterwards.

If you find it easier to read the story on a document rather than a video, here is an Ebook. Please be aware this is 62 pages long so it is better to read online than print it out.

If you would like a challenge, try the show don’t tell activity sheet, I know you are all good at this after our work on suspense writing!

Remember to take the time to sit back and enjoy a story! Click on the link to listen to Michael Rosen reading a story:

Even Stevens: A Football Story

If you enjoyed the story and want to listen to the next chapter, you can find it on his Youtube page:

Please also make sure that you read alone or with an adult for at least 30 minutes every day. 


 Follow the instructions in the video to learn how to draw a peacock which you could display in your window, or share with me on ClassDojo!



Read through the slides to continue our learning about The Kingdom of Benin. Read the stories and record similarities and differences between the two versions of the creation story on your worksheet.

Something Easier


English: Exclamation mark activities.

Maths: Have a go at this worksheet to practise using related number facts to solve problems.

Complete the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished. 


Why not try out your dancing skills and see if you can keep up with Oti Mabuse’s Jive challenge:


Tuesday 19th January 2021


Activity/ Resource


Today we continuing to work on narrative writing. We are looking at the four word classes: nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs. Watch the video, pausing when needed to complete the activities using a pen and paper.

Think carefully about their purpose in your writing, and see how many of each word type you can count in this story starter. Continue the story, trying to include as many nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs as you can to include description in your writing.

Spelling Gym

Ask an adult to test you on our spellings from last week:

List 1

List 2

Write out our new spellings for next week and complete the activity sheet for these spellings.

List 1 Spellings and Activity Sheet

List 2 Spellings and Activity Sheet


Click on the link to find today’s maths lesson: 

Watch the video to recap how to divide two digit numbers by 1 digit.  

Complete the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished. 

If you would like a challenge, try these problem solving questions.


The Man Who Bought a Mountain: Part 2

Start by watching the video.

 You can pause the video to answer questions on the activity sheet as you go, or you can watch the video and answer the questions afterwards. You can either type your answers onto the activity sheet or write them down on paper.

Mark your work with the answers afterwards.

If you find it easier to read the story on a document rather than a video, here is an Ebook. Please be aware this is 62 pages long so it is better to read online than print it out.

If you would like a challenge, try the character profile sheet to create your own character.   

Remember to take the time to sit back and enjoy a story! Click on the link to listen to an audiobook of your choice:

Please also make sure that you read alone or with an adult for at least 30 minutes every day. 

Times Tables

In school we would usually be keeping our Maths skills speedy by completing our weekly number bond and times tables tests. See how quick you still are by completing the ultimate times tables challenge. Why don’t you write your answers down on paper and time how long it takes you to complete? You can then try again another day and see if you can beat your time!


Keep active by joining in with this Street dance masterclass.


Keep active by joining in with a Joe Wicks PE lesson:

Something Easier


English: The Paper Bag Princess.  Download the adverb activities and the slides to support you.

Maths: Practise using the correct vocabulary to compare number sentences.  

Mark your Maths here. 


One of my favourite Value words is love.  We have thought about how we can show love to others by writing prayers for our families and workers that are looking after us and keeping us safe. But it is also important to remember to show love to yourselves. Use this activity sheet to think of some ideas about how you can be kind to yourself. Once you have completed it, maybe you could try and do some of these this week, and help others in your family to do them as well.


Monday 18th January 2021


Activity/ Resource


Today, we are continuing to work on narrative writing, looking at spelling adverbs with the suffix -ly.

Click on the link to practise spelling words using this suffix.

The video will set you 10 words as spellings for the week, but you don’t need to practise these as we already have our own spellings this week. Unless you want to challenge yourself and learn this list as well.


Look at this picture, read the story starter and complete the following activities: Perfect picture, sentence challenge and sick sentences.


I know it is hard to keep up your best handwriting without the normal pens or books we use in school, but every little helps! Try and practice your best cursive handwriting today by copying out this week’s spellings into your book. Don’t forget to take your time and start every letter from the line!

Handwriting 1

Handwriting 2


Click on the link to find today’s maths lesson.

Watch the video to learn more about how to multiply 4 digit numbers by 2 digits.  

Complete the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished.


The Man Who Bought a Mountain: Part 1

Start by watching the video.

You can pause the video to answer questions on the activity sheet as you go, or you can watch the video and answer the questions afterwards. You can either type your answers onto the activity sheet or write them down on paper.

Mark your work with the answers afterwards.

If you find it easier to read the story on a document rather than a video, here is an Ebook. Please be aware this is 62 pages long so it is better to read online than print it out.

If you would like a challenge, try the mountain trek descriptive writing sheet.   

Remember to take the time to sit back and enjoy a story! Click on the link to listen to David Walliams reading one of his stories:

 Please also make sure that you read alone or with an adult for at least 30 minutes every day. 


Coding: Log into Busy Things and follow these instructions:

1)     Click on Year 5

2)    Click on Computing

3)    Busy Code

4)    Code Disco

Practice your coding by following the instructions on these activities, start with the tutorial and watch the video to learn how to use the programme.


Continuing on from our learning two weeks ago on pulse and rhythm, watch this video and follow the instructions to investigate music with 4 beats in a bar.

Something Easier


English: The Paper Bag Princess.  Download the activities and the slides to support you.

Maths: Try this Maths sheet to practise your number fact families. Check your answers once you have finished. 

Reflection Time

Take some time to think about what you achieved today. Perhaps you completed some of the learning for today? Maybe you helped your brother or sister with their learning or your adults by tidying your bedroom? Complete the activity sheet or create your own, and keep it as a memory to look back on in the future. 


Friday 15th January 2021


Activity/ Resource


Over the next couple of days we are going to be working on narrative writing, based on the fable: ‘The Fate of Fausto’. Each lesson will guide us through different stages of the writing process. Today, we are going to start by understanding the order of the story.


Read through the slides to learn the spelling rules for this week’s spellings. Write out our spellings for this week and remember to practice them every day.

Have a go at the word search once you have practiced. Choose the list that you find challenges you best:

List 1 Slideshow

List 1 Word search

List 2 Slideshow

List 2 Word search


Click on the link to find today’s maths lesson: 

Watch the video to learn how to multiply 4 digits by 2 digit numbers.   

Complete the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished. 


How to Skin a Bear Activities: Part 5

Start by watching the video.

You can pause the video to answer questions on the activity sheet as you go, or you can watch the video and answer the questions afterwards. You can either type your answers onto the activity sheet or write them down on paper.

Mark your work with the answers afterwards.

If you find it easier to read the story on a document rather than a video, here is an Ebook. Please be aware this is 92 pages long so it is better to read online than print it out.

If you would like a challenge, try the dictionary skills activity sheet. 

Click on the link to listen to an audio book of your choice.

Please also make sure that you read alone or with an adult for at least 30 minutes every day. 


Read through the slides to find out about Hindu Gods, and complete the activity sheet.

Circle Time

Read through the slides to learn how to achieve success by breaking down barriers. The slides will guide you to complete the following activities:

Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3

Something Easier


English: Verbs and Tenses Activity.


Follow the instructions to learn the moves to the song ‘Shake it Off’, you could even get your families involved and learn it together!



 Thursday 14th January 2021


Activity/ Resource


Look at this image and continue the story using this starter:

It all happened so quickly! One minute he was standing on the platform, the next he was hurtling through the air, hanging on for dear life…


Read the slides to find out how to use dashes to indicate parenthesis. Remember relative clauses are a type of parenthesis, it adds extra information to a sentence, but the sentence must still make sense without it.

Complete the application activity and test yourself on what you have learnt afterwards.


Click on the link to find today’s maths lesson on multiplying 3 digit numbers by 2 digits. Complete the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished. 


How to Skin a Bear Activities: Part 4

Start by watching the video.

You can pause the video to answer questions on the activity sheet as you go, or you can watch the video and answer the questions afterwards. You can either type your answers onto the activity sheet or write them down on paper.

Mark your work with the answers afterwards.

If you find it easier to read the story on a document rather than a video, here is an Ebook. Please be aware this is 92 pages long so it is better to read online than print it out.

If you would like a challenge, try the Food and Eating Words activity sheet.  

Click on the link to listen to two poems by Allan Ahlberg, about a mischievous dog in school and a teacher called Mrs Butler.

Please also make sure that you read alone or with an adult for at least 30 minutes every day. 


Read through the slides and practise the vocabulary to learn how to talk about how you get to school in French.

If you are working on a tablet or Ipad, the slideshow might not work and so you can try this pdf version, although you won’t be able to hear the vocabulary read aloud.

Then have a go at the activity sheet, using the vocabulary at the bottom to help you.


Joe Wicks is back with online PE lessons!

As he is only running live lessons on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, find half an hour in your day to complete any of his PE lessons he already has on his Youtube channel, and I’ll make sure I complete one too!

Choose a video and take part in the PE lesson to get yourself moving.

Something Easier


English: Book review activity 


Colour in a picture whilst listening to the mindfulness music, if you don’t have colouring pencils, you can practice your breathing whilst doing your own dot to dot on paper. Draw out the dots before you start. Remember to do your best to clear your mind and focus on your breathing.


Wednesday 13th January 2021 


Activity/ Resource


Can you write your own description or short story about the volcanic eruption in this picture? If you want to challenge yourself, can you include personification and metaphors?

 Here is an example:

It was the moment they had been dreading for decades. The volcano had finally erupted. The earth shook as torrents of molten lava cascaded over the helpless landscape. Clouds of ash swarmed over the countryside, enveloping everything in their path. Chaos reigned as the beast, that had been sleeping for years, smote his fury upon the world.

In the distance, a flash of silvery lightning licked across the sky; a snake’s forked tongue lashing out in fury to strike it’s prey. The world was on fire. It was nature’s turn to take it’s revenge.

Writing Composition

Read through the slides to find out how to link ideas across paragraphs using adverbials of time, place and tense. This is an important skill to learn to make sure that our writing flows effectively and our reader doesn’t feel like they are jumping around between paragraphs that don’t link.  

Complete the building block paragraphs activity sheet. There are two options for you here, you can either put the sentences together to create a paragraph or create your own.

Finally, complete the mini test to check how much you have learnt, and mark your answers.


Complete the apostrophes worksheet, using your knowledge of apostrophes that we have learnt about this year. 


Click on the link to find today’s maths lesson about multiplying 2 digits by 2 digits.

Complete the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished. 


How to Skin a Bear Activities: Part 3

Start by watching the video.

You can pause the video to answer questions on the activity sheet as you go, or you can watch the video and answer the questions afterwards. You can either type your answers onto the activity sheet or write them down on paper.

Mark your work with the answers as you go.

If you find it easier to read the story on a document rather than a video, here is an Ebook. Please be aware this is 92 pages long so it is better to read online than print it out. 

If you would like a challenge, try the Present Perfect Tense activity sheet. 

Click on the link to listen to David Walliams reading a story.

 Please also make sure that you read alone or with an adult for at least 30 minutes every day.  


Read through the slides to find out about the time period of the Kingdom of Benin. Use the timeline activity sheet to build the Benin and British Isles timeline, you can cut and stick or write the information on the timeline cards into the correct boxes. Use the information sheets to help you. Then discuss the key events that happened at each point.


Watch this video and follow the instructions to draw your own health heroes:

Perhaps you could display this in your window to show your thanks to the NHS, or maybe you could give it to a real health hero in your family! 

Something Easier


English: Apostrophe Activities

Maths: Times Tables Activities and answers

Something Different

You all know how much I love Charlie Mackesy’s beautiful drawings and messages so here are some of my favourites at the moment. I hope they help you to realise that we are going to get through these tricky times soon and we will have so much to share with each other when we do. Perhaps you could draw your own images with the boy, the fox, the horse or the mole and write a message of your own? I would love to see those! 



Tuesday 12th January 2021


Activity/ Resource


Finish the story using this story starter:

When he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, his real life began. Every night his dreams would take him on the greatest adventures. It was when he was asleep that he felt most awake, most alive.

The giant fan whirred furiously. He pulled on the flying jacket, placed the goggles onto his head, and gripped the cardboard box for dear life. This was to be another of his incredible adventures, and he couldn’t wait to find out where it would take him…

Spelling Gym

Ask an adult to test you on the spellings that I gave you last Friday. Scroll down to find them in the Friday learning. Write out our new spellings for this week and complete the activity sheet for these spellings.

Choose the list that you find suits you best.

List one and activity sheet.

List two and activity sheet. 


Click on the link to find today’s maths lesson: 

Watch the video to learn how to multiply two digit numbers by two digits using the area model.  

Complete the second page of the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished.


If you are feeling confident and would like a challenge, have a go at some extra 2 digit multiplication problems here.

Or try some reasoning problems here. Mark your work using these answers. 


How to Skin a Bear Activities: Part 2

Start by watching the video.

You can pause the video to answer questions on the activity sheet as you go, or you can watch the video and answer the questions afterwards. You can either type your answers onto the activity sheet or write them down on paper.

Mark your work with the answers afterwards.

If you find it easier to read the story on a document rather than a video, here is an Ebook. Please be aware this is 92 pages long so is better to read online than print it out. 

If you would like a challenge, try the Conjunctions activity sheet. 

Once you have completed your learning for the day, click on the link to listen to a story being read aloud:

As Fast as Words Could Fly by Pamela M. Tuck

Please also make sure that you read alone or with an adult for at least 30 minutes every day. 


Click on this link to find out about our new Science topic: Forces.

Watch the video and complete the quiz to see how much you have learnt.

Times Tables

Keep on top of your times tables by practising our Oak level times tables booklet. If you have completed Oak level, see how quickly you can complete each page, taking care not to make mistakes, and checking your answers.

If you have not yet reached Oak level, take as long as you need, and focus on the questions you are confident with first.

Something Easier


English: Biographies and Autobiographies Activities


Monday 11th January 2021


Activity/ Resource


Look at this picture. It is the year 3000, and the new ‘Air Hotel 3000’ is embarking on its maiden (first) trip! Can you write an advertisement for this new type of hotel? It might be a poster or a leaflet.

Consider the following questions:

What features do you think this new type of hotel has?

How is it similar/different to holidays we go on today?

How many people do you think can travel on the Air Hotel 3000?

Where do you think it might be heading on its voyage?

Who is flying it? How is it controlled?

How do you think the hotel is powered?

How do you think it lands?

Writing Composition

Read through the slideshow to learn how to build cohesion within a paragraph. This will make sure your writing flows nicely and is more effective.

Try the activity sheet and test yourself at the end, remembering to mark your answers to see how you do.   


Click on the link to find today’s maths lesson: 

We are learning how to multiply 2 digit numbers by 2 digits, using the area method.

Complete the first page of the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished.  Do not complete the second page of the sheet, as we are looking at that tomorrow.


How to Skin a Bear reading activity.

Start by watching the video.

You can pause the video to answer questions on the activity sheet as you go, or you can watch the video and answer the questions afterwards. You can either type your answers onto the activity sheet or write them down on paper.

Mark your work with the answers afterwards.

If you find it easier to read the story on a document rather than a video, here is an Ebook. Please be aware this is 92 pages long so is better to read online than print it out.

If you would like a challenge, try the Unenjoyable Jobs Activity.

Once you have completed your learning for the day, click on the link to listen to a story being read aloud:

The Elves and the Shoemaker by Brothers Grimm and Jim LaMarche

Please also make sure that you read alone or with an adult for at least 30 minutes every day. 


Listen to the song and do your best to join in and learn the words. Remember everyone is different and you are all wonderful!


Alfie’s videos - Watch Episode 2 of Play Like Share: Who’s Magnus?

Answer these questions:

1) Who wrote a mean comment about Alfie?

2) Who ‘liked’ the comment?

3) Why wasn’t this a kind thing to do?

When we write or post something online, we must always think about how we might make other people feel. What positive words could Ellie, Alfie and Sam use to describe each other?

Using the activity sheet, write as many positive words and phrases as you can think of next to each character, using any clues in the video to help. Alternatively, you can draw pictures of each character and add positive words to describe them.

Something Easier


English: The Whales adjective writing activity. You can find the story here.

E-safety Answers


1)    The popcorn wizards

2)    Sam

3)    Possible answer: It might upset Alfie. Sam is meant to be Alfie’s friend.

Something Different


During this time of Coronavirus, so many people have been undertaking good deeds and showing acts of kindness to help others affected by the pandemic. One example was Captain Tom Moore. He is a retired military person and now lives in Yorkshire. He is 100 years old and thought that he could help by doing a sponsored walk, walking 100 lengths of his garden before his 100th Birthday.  He hoped to raise £1,000 for NHS Charities Together which support the incredible NHS staff and volunteers caring for COVID-19 patients. Captain Tom managed to complete the 100 laps and his walk featured across the world on news programmes. People around the world were so inspired by the effort that Captain Tom made to help others that thousands and thousands of people sponsored him and he not only raised his target of £1,000 but over £32 million, to help our NHS heroes.  Michael Ball, a famous singer, heard about Captain Tom’s walk and they recorded a song together which also raised money for the NHS charities. It is called ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone.’

The Bible tells a story of a poor widow who is very kind in her offering to the temple and although it didn’t seem much to some people around her, it was the most kind because she made a real sacrifice, giving all that she had to live on. Captain Tom’s walk by someone who clearly finds walking difficult and a real effort to do reminds us, as well, that everyone is of value and has something to offer; Jesus teaches us that each one of us is precious and loved by God for who we are and how we are.

Have a listen to Captain Tom’s song here:

Who would you like to say thank you to for keeping you safe or looking after you? Perhaps you could write them a letter, draw them a picture or write a prayer to say thank you.



Friday 8th January 2021


Activity/ Resource


Look at the picture and finish the story using this story starter:

“Charge!” he screamed, feeling mighty atop the lead rhinoceros. He jolted with every step they took, the rhino’s feet punching into the baking hot sand. As clouds of dust flew up into the humid air around them, he could taste the grains of sand in his parched mouth.

The herd stampeded across the desert sand, focused on reaching their goal.


Read through the slideshow to learn our spellings for this week, write them down and remember to practice them every day.

Practice your spellings using the word search.

Choose the list which you feel challenges you best:

List one slideshow and word search

List two slideshow


Click on the link to find today’s maths lesson: 

Watch the video to learn how to multiply 4 digits by 1 digit. 

Complete the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished. 


Download and complete the reading activity based on the poem ‘I am a writer’ by Joseph Coelho.

Once you have completed your learning for the day, click on the link to listen to a story being read aloud. If it asks you what you want to watch it on, you can choose Youtube:

Sophie’s Masterpiece by Eileen Spinelli

Please also make sure that you read alone or with an adult for at least 30 minutes every day. 


Click on this link to find out who Brahman is to Hindus.

Circle Time

Aiming High: You can do anything!

Read through the slides and complete the sheets when it tells you to find out how you learn best.

How I learn Best

Learning Styles

Something Easier


English: Hansel and Gretel reading activities.

Hansel and Gretal questions

Something Different

Well done for all of your hard work! Give your brain a rest and try some mindfulness colouring.

If you don’t have a printer, perhaps you could create a poster with an inspirational quote and share it with me on Class Dojo!


Thursday 7th January 2021


Activity/ Resource


Look at the picture and finish the story using this story starter:

The crows had been gathering for some time, no doubt displeased by the girl’s actions.

She could feel the cold, wet slime dripping slowly from her fingertips, but it didn’t bother her. Her hands were still, steady, without fear; she had been eagerly awaiting this moment.

All she could think about was the creature in front of her, finally escaped from it’s cage. It had hatched. It was time…


Read through the slideshow to learn how to use brackets in your writing.

Test yourself at the end using the mini test, and mark your answers.

Then, practice using brackets in your writing using the application activity.


Click on the link to find today’s maths lesson: 

Watch the video to learn how to multiply 3-digits by 1-digit  

Complete the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished. 


Download and complete the reading activity. Re read the passage from yesterday again and follow the instructions below it.

Once you have completed your learning for the day, click on the link to listen to a story being read aloud:

The Great Pet Shop Panic by Katie Davies

Please also make sure that you read alone or with an adult for at least 30 minutes every day. 


Click on the link and practice vocabulary about school. Listen to the new vocabulary and complete the quiz to see how much you have learnt.


Click on the link to find out reading maps and recognising keys and symbols.

Watch the videos and complete the activities.

Something Easier


English: Baba Yaga and the Black Geese Reading Comprehension

Something Different

Listen to the Mindfulness music as you complete one of the mindfulness sheets (be careful if you’re printing, there are six sheets so you might only want to choose one!).

Remember to try your best to push all thoughts out of your head and only focus on your colouring, or drawing if you would prefer. Otherwise, try closing your eyes, breathing slowly and just listening to the music.


Wednesday 6th January 2021


Activity/ Resource


Look at the picture and finish the story using this story starter:

It was another stiflingly humid day in the rainforest. The rain was a welcome and refreshing break. Dylan could hear a rumble of distant thunder; a sure sign that this was just the beginning of the storm. Holding a large leaf over himself, he perched on a tree stump. Raindrops drummed on the flat surface of the leaf like impatient fingertips, but Dylan didn’t mind.

He stared into the forest, wondering when his companions would return…


Read through the slideshow to learn how to use modal verbs to indicate possibility.

Test yourself at the end using the mini test, and mark your answers.

Then, practice using modal verbs in your writing using the application activity.


Click on the link to watch today’s Maths lesson.

We are beginning our new topic for this term- multiplication and division.

Complete the worksheet and mark your work when you have finished. 



Download and complete the reading activity.

Once you have completed your learning for the day, click on the link to listen to a story being read aloud:

A Mouse Called Julian by Joe Todd-Stanton

Please also make sure that you read alone or with an adult for at least 30 minutes every day. 


We are starting our new topic in History this term, Ancient Benin.

Start by doing some research into Ancient Benin on your computer or Ipad. What can you find out?

Use these websites to help you:

Complete a mind map of information that you already know about Benin or have found out by researching the websites above.


London Skyline Challenge! Have you got any old cardboard, paper or plastic bottles at home or in the recycling? Ask your adults if they are safe for you to use, and see what you can create out of your household junk! Have a look at this website for some tips and ideas:

If you don’t have many materials or pieces of scrap at home, you can watch this video instead and follow the instructions to learn how to sketch an image of Earth Day.

Something Easier


English: Baba Yaga and the Black Geese Reading Comprehension

Something Different

Click on the link to learn how to make hand shadow puppets.


Tuesday 5th January 2021


Activity/ Resource


Read the story starter and finish off the story. Write your story on paper, or your device, take a photo and share it with me on Class Dojo or on Zoom at the end of the day.

English story starter


Click on this link to find out how to match a verb to the subject in a sentence.

Watch the videos, take the quiz and complete the activities to see how much you have learnt.


First, watch this video to find out how to complete our final lesson on area. Remember area is the amount of space covered inside a shape.

Next, complete the worksheet, copying your answers onto paper. Miss out question 3 unless you have a printer at home. Mark your work using the answers here.  

If you would like a challenge, try out the challenge cards.

Maths Gym

Have a go at these addition and subtraction problems. Write your answers on paper and mark them using the answers.

Maths Gym

Maths Gym answers


Read the news article and write down your answers on paper. Mark your work using the answers here.  

Remember to take the time to sit back and enjoy a story! Click on the link to listen to listen to an audio book of your choice.

Please also make sure that you read alone or with an adult for at least 30 minutes every day. 


Read through the different gymnastics jumps that we will be learning about this term. Ask an adult to supervise you whilst you practise each one. Which do you find hardest? Which do you find the easiest? Ask someone to take a photo of you completing one and share it with me on Class Dojo. Can you design your own gymnastic routine by putting them into any order you wish and performing them to your family?

PE Jumps


Click on this link to complete our first lesson on pulse and rhythm.

Something else

Have a break from all of your hard work and see if you can find all the differences in these spot the difference challenges!

Toy soldier spot the difference

Snow queen spot the difference